Telegram already has a popular channel feature where users can broadcast messages to potential users. However, the feature is also coming to Whatsapp to compete with Telegram. Instagram has already adopted the channel feature where users can receive messages.
According to a WABetaInfo report, WhatsApp is currently testing Channels for iOS beta users in version These Channels will allow users to subscribe to sources of important information just like Instagram. WhatsApp is reportedly planning to rename the Status section as “Updates” and introduce Channels under that section. It is worth noting that WhatsApp was previously testing a Newsletter feature that serves the same purpose as Channels, and it seems that the company will launch this feature as Channels.
It is important to note that Channels will not be end-to-end encrypted. However, privacy will still be a priority, and personal information such as phone numbers will not be visible on subscribed channels. WhatsApp will ensure that users have control over their choice and privacy regarding channels, allowing them to choose which channels to join. Additionally, individual one-to-one messages will remain end-to-end encrypted as usual.
The feature is still being developed and will first roll out to beta users on Android and iOS. However, a stable public rollout can be rolled out soon.