Weird Bug In #Nothing Phone 1 that No One Is Talking About.

I have with me nothing phone one so in this phone there are a lot of bugs and today I am going to discuss a really really weird bug which is there with this phone and a lot of people are not even discussing this bug so if you are planning to buy this phone definitely there are a lot of bugs but this bug is the really weird one so let’s see what is the weird part that is phone one and whether there are any solution to fix this bug so as always this video will be a sick video guys and if you are a tech enthusiast don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel and hit that bell notification up because I will be making more videos like this so let’s start. So nothing phone one comes with a lot of features and this phone has a lot of potential up there as it comes with the smooth and clean ui which is nothing OS and this is so stock and so clean that there are no bloatware almost you will be getting something which can be identical to the iphone as iphone has a really less number of apps and only the important ones this is also true with the netting phone one and a nothing phone one as we can predict is really going on the footsteps of apple and we can see that they will not really release a lot of phones but definitely They will release few phones with a lot of design elements up there also the animations and everything will be really really good in these phones and the software also will get better with time with the update so definitely a lot of good things are there in this phone but there are a lot of bugs also as this is the first phone only nothing lineup it will be coming with bugs so any company’s fast phone has a lot of issues and this is no different net iphone one Has a lot of them as i’m using this phone from two weeks i can say that there is no such bug that will really really make this phone unusable but there are a lot of bugs so let’s discuss about the weird bug which i have faced in this phone and you will see a lot of youtube videos but you will never see anyone talking about this bug also whenever you will be buying this phone make sure you are updating this phone to the latest version And the latest version which is running on the nothing phone one is definitely the android 12 version with the android security update of first july 2022 so every two months network one will be giving a new update make sure you are updating by clicking on the check for updates option so once you have updated your phone most of the issues will be resolved and the bug which i am talking about is Related to the bluetooth of the device and this can be also the most irritating bug so whenever you will be connecting the net iphone one with a bluetooth device and listen to the music like the bluetooth tws earphones or any of the speakers up there the sound which will be coming from the earphones will be interrupted after some time like there will be a minor difference in the way the music will be played so the beats of the music will Not be uniform or will not be playing at a time and there will be some micro interruptions in the music so the music experience will be interrupted for this so a lot of people will not be able to detect this and that’s why a lot of people are not saying about this spark but i can see shuttle changes in things and it’s really small change also i can detect so that’s why i’ve detected this One so the music experience will not be good if you are buying this phone for now and also i tested the bluetooth connectivity to check whether this is happening due to the connectivity issue so i really went far with the bluetooth earphones but it is not really something to connectivity options but this is happening due to some bug which is the internet in phone one also While playing games and playing to some videos i have seen there is a considerable lag in the sound which will be coming from the phone and the sound which will be transferred to the earphone so there is a considerable lag and you will be able to see that lag if you are listening to music or listening to the audio very very minutely so this is a Bug and i searched the whole internet there are no one telling about this bug so when i searched a little bit in depth i can see that this bug has been noted and has been already reported to the nutting community and you can see that someone has already noted this but here you can see it is written that they are not able to connect his device to bluetooth headphones without glitches so nothing For indicated restarting the device still the problem remains unsolved so this is a big big problem right now and this thing is happening with not only the online streaming platforms but also offline music so you will not be able to enjoy the music fully and the good news is that right now after the update it has been fixed but not fully so sometimes it happens sometimes it Doesn’t happen so i can really really understand when it is happening nothing has already been reported with this issue and they have promised three years software updates so every two months there will be a software update and every two months new bug fixes will be coming so definitely it will be fixed with the update and a lot of things has been fixed and getting better and this one will also get fixed with time because a phone At this price point should not be coming with any of the bugs because this is range flagship device so definitely this type of issue should not be coming although this is the first phone from the company so you can expect some of the issues so definitely they are working is a special team of 500 plus engineers who are working on the software of this phone so they only are focusing on the software this phone can give you some of the closest pixel Experience which is one of the best software’s google come with india phones so definitely they are improving and this will also get fixed with time but i just wanted to tell you guys that this is a really weird bug which is there and still people are facing issues with this bug so that’s it guys i just wanted to tell you guys about this box so i hope you have liked this video if you like this video don’t Forget to like and subscribe to my channel and hit that bell notification up because i will be making more videos like this so thank you guys have a great day.

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