My Fitness Pal App Review for Samsung Galaxy Watch 4

Hey guys back with another video for my addicted blogging channel so in this video i am going to discuss about an app which can be one of the best apps if you are looking to lose some weight or get into shape as we all know that it is 20 percent exercise and 80 percent of what you eat so this can be one of the best apps as you can monitor About each and every nutrients and calories and how much water you are taking throughout the day in this app and it can be a really great app when you are going to lose weight again into shape and it’s a must-have app for the samsung galaxy watch 4. so in this video we will see all the features of this app how to configure the app and why this app is a must-have app for the samsung galaxy vs4 so as always this video will be a sick video guys and if you are Taking enthusiasts don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel and hit that bell notification up because i will be making more videos like this so first of all this app is available in the play store of the samsung galaxy vs4 and if you are looking for an app which can track your calories and help you to lose some weight by giving you some extra information about the things you are eating and also how much water you are taking throughout the day then this App is a master web and to get this app you have to search in the play store of the samsung galaxy watch by myfitnesspal so this app is available in the android play store for our phone and also on the vross platform so this is the app i am talking about myfitnesspal this is a calorie counter app and there are few calorie counter apps you can get and this is one of them and make sure you are downloading it on your android device also with which your samsung Galaxy watch 4 is connected so this is the app you have to download and once downloaded you have to open the app on your phone first so if you open the app you will get a lot of information first of all you have to log in with the correct credentials up there you have to create a myfitnesspal account and once created you have to log in with the same credentials on your phone and on your watch so that it can sync all the information across the devices So you can see it is showing me the calories and also this step count and the exercise and all the details up there so throughout the day whatever the step counts or whatever calories you will intake you can just add into this app and this data will be syncing across the samsung galaxy vs4 and also the myfitnesspal app on your phone and to get the calorie details for any meal you can search in the app itself so if you are having milk any breakfast you can Search for milk and it will give you the exact amount of calories for deep food you are taking so here you can see it is 149 calories and you can even increase the number of servings and the amount of milk you are having so you can increase the serving size and also the number of servings in here so you can search for any food according to your choice so you can go for something like chicken or basmati Rice so whatever you will be eating you can get the calorie details from here and once you are getting the calorie details you can add it to this app to add any of the calories in this app you have to come to this diary option and you will be getting the option to add any food so you just need to click on add food and add the food you have taken and the calories will be automatically added to your food so here you can see i have added each chicken and rice and Here the calories has been increased and the base goal you can set the amount of calories you will be taking throughout the whole day according to your choice so you will be getting the option to add the goals while you will be configuring the app for the first time and the best part is you can get all the information up there throughout the day whatever you have taken and how much calories you Need to take more to complete the daily goal which you have set and even you can add some exercise in there so if i click on exercise you can see i can create an exercise i can set the number of sets and reps i have taken the exercise so really a all-rounder app you can get for the samsung galaxy watch for and i have connected the samsung health app which is the official app for the samsung galaxy watch for so that all the step Counts and every amount of data will be synced with this myfitnesspal app so now let’s come to the app on the watch itself so if i come to the app you will see that i have the same option to add calories and add water which are really really important options you can add them via this watch also so if you want to add some calories so when you will be completing your dinner or any of the breakfast you can add it from here so if I click on plus you will be getting the option of breakfast lunch and dinner so if i just click on dinner you will get the option to add the calories so to get the calorie information again you have to go to the app in your phone itself so from here you will get the calorie information and once you get the information you can add directly from the watch so once you will be using the app every single day you will be remembering the calorie Information whatever food you will be taking throughout the day so if i am adding something like 250 calories or 280 calories i have to click on this stick sign and just click on the stick sign again and it will be added to the total amount of calories i am taking throughout the day and also you can see the amount of calories which you have to take more to complete the daily goal on your watch itself even you can add the amount of Water you are taking so water intake is really important and i have set 8 cups of water so you can set this daily goal according to your plan and once you are taking any cup of water you can add it from the watch and here you can track the amount of water you are taking throughout the day and also in the nutrients option you will see the amount of protein so if you are taking some protein heavy food the protein will be automatically calculated so here i Have included the chickens the protein has been automatically calculated and with the rice also the carbohydrates automatically calculated and it is showing the exact amount of protein and carbohydrates i need to take more to complete the daily goals so this is really tracking all the information of the food you are taking throughout the day on another level and you can use this app to really improve your health and also the quality of food you are Taking throughout every single day so a really important app to have and in the summer you will get all the details of whatever d nutrients and whatever the calories you have taken so these are the options you will be getting on your watch and also you can configure the widgets which comes with this watch so here i have already configured so if i swipe right i will be getting the total calorie information i have taken throughout the Day to get a glance of the calories and also how much is remaining and another one is the total amount of carbs fat protein calories water i have taken two of the day so really a very very important app to have if you are using samsung galaxy vs4 to improve your overall health and also to get into shape so more on that you can also see how many steps you have taken throughout the day and every little Information on the app on your phone and there are plans specifically designed for you to make your life better and also to help you to get into shape so you can also set reminders to add these calories on this app and really really an important option you can have you can also add friends on this app who are also using the myfitnesspal and in the settings you can just add your goals and every single thing which Is really really important so a must-have app for the samsung galaxy watch for so i wanted to show you guys that you can use this app and also make yourself healthy and get into shape and lose your weight or just live a better lifestyle with this app in your samsung galaxy watch for so that’s it guys i hope you have liked this video if you like this video don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel and hit that Bell notification up because i will be making more videos like this thank you guys have a great day thank you.

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